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About Us


App that statistically predicts in advance areas where new rides could exist, specifically for drivers of transportation mobile apps (for example Lyft, Uber, etc.).

It is a software that makes predictions for drivers according to their location by means of algorithms in areas where there may be greater possibilities of collecting customers by day and time.

It is a model built with information from public transport, sites reported where historically services, interesting places, climate and traffic are generated, which is presented on maps locating the places where there is a probability of new rides into the future.

It is a weekly subscription service that gives right to the information displayed in the App, the driver visualizes from its current location (present) the areas fifteen (15) miles around where 20 minutes could generate new rides (future).

Easy to Use

Save Time

Improve Income

Find Rides


Choose your Plan

All our plans have a free one week for new users

Driver Sedan

From $4 x Week

Driver SUV

From $5 x Week

Driver Full

From $8 x Week

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